And then we loved you....

And then we loved you....
The picture that started it all....

Saturday, April 9, 2016

The amazing ones...

                Amazing.  I have been hearing this word a lot in regards to our adoption.  It truly is an amazing process.  I often sit back in wonder of all the connections that we have made and of all the amazing people that have supported us. Above all just what amazes me the most is how God is showing his wonderful character through it all. I am so humbled by this adoption journey.  Ryan and I have been receiving wonderful compliments from so many people because of our decision to adopt and we are so overjoyed and we are just really feeling the love ya know ! I do not know how else to put it.  However, please do not be offended when I say that we really are not the amazing ones you guys.  We are not.  We are simply two very; extremely blessed people to be given this opportunity and to have our hearts open to this journey.   Truly, this has not been an easy process.  Truly, it has made me cranky and short. Truly, I have complained through the midst of paperwork.  Truly, I have spent idle time staring at pictures online of orphans, just my heart wrenching for them and reading adoption blogs, because frankly, you get a little obsessed about adoption once you start.  Truly, I have thank you cards sitting in my closet that are not addressed and stamped yet.  Oh…they will get out eventually...and believe me when I say it is not because I am not grateful.  I am almost so grateful and humbled I am embarrassed and don’t feel any thank you would be big enough… if that makes sense?
            Why do I mention this all?  I just think I simply have to. For so many reasons.  I just don’t want anyone to think that it takes something extra special or anything extraordinary (in terms of humans) to adopt.  Take me for example, if you know me fairly well, you know I am not organized at all….so like me and paper not mix.  For example, 2 days before my honeymoon, I lost my passport.  We searched everywhere including the garbage and every ounce of my duplex that I was moving out of.  No passport.  The one thing we did not search was my giant recycling bin (one of those huge green ones) because I just knew I hadn’t accidently thrown it in there. This bin was so large it took a long time to fill up ( with just me and Zoe) and thankfully, do to my persistent lack of punctuality, I was late getting it out to the curb the Thursday prior and missed the pickup.  Well as a last resort I emptied it, and their sitting at the bottom, probably for about a month, was my passport.  That’s Providence right there.  Fast forward 4 years later and I am in charge of 4 passports..and then I have to take care of our son’s visa to actually get him home?! That is some scary stuff y’all.  No lie…I have irrational fears of myself stranded in some European airport because I left the passports in the bathroom on the plane headed back to the States.  Also, I daily, question how good of a mother I am.  I know all mothers beat themselves up, and I am no exception.  However, this was one of my holdups in the adoption process, thinking I had to get it all together before we got our little guy home.  Reality check. I am never going to have it all together. However, it is this adoption process that has us going to parenting, and adoption classes, and learning about things like “play therapy” etc….which will help us be better parents all around.
            My husband, I think he is amazing too.  Yet, you know what you guys. A year ago adoption was nowhere on his radar.  In fact, he was a flat out “NO” if I ever mentioned it. Not in a heartless way, he just did not think he could do it.  Now he is a 110% and loves this little boy already. Tell me who changes a sweet, strong-willed man’s heart overnight. God. That’s who and it has been by far one of the most amazing things about this journey.  I think one of my next posts might just be a list of all the crazy, “no way” moments we have had the past few months in this journey.  Many would just say it is mere coincidence.  Yet, I know better, and am so glad I have had my eyes opened to the His plan going on around me every day.
            So let me tell you who the amazing ones are.  I have to start out with a little 4 year old boy, possibly abandoned at birth due to his deformities (we do not know this yet for sure) lots of times parents can't afford to care for children with medical issues.  Literally, alone in the world.  Through his short life he has most likely not been given all the love and attention a child with loving parents would.  He has already gone through multiple surgeries and will need more when he gets home, probably many more as he grows.  He has seen other children get picked as a son and over and over again it not be him.  I simply can’t fathom.  The fact that he has a smile on his face..ignoring the  fact that at one time that may not have been physically easy for him do due to surgeries and his deformities..but just the fact that he has been waiting, with a smile on his face, for someone to call him son. He is amazing. 
            Amazing are the people that I have not yet met that are taking care of Nick.  The woman that do not have enough hands to give what every child in their care needs, but who do their best with what they are given and know.  The people that go visit these orphans  and bring them medicine when they are sick or goodies on holidays and dress up in Bunny Costumes or Santa Costumes to bring a smile to their faces.  The doctor that has performed the surgeries on Nick. The facilitators that are working in Ukraine to get these “waiting children” on photo lists so their parents can see them and go bring them home.  The orphanage directors who try to keep the young children in their “baby orphanages” as long as they can so they don’t have to get shipped to a far off institution where chance of adoption is unlikely.  Also one word, Nancy (only a special audience will understand this). These people are amazing.
            The families that have adopted already that pave the way and recognize the need to step up and to bless as we have been blessed. These families help guide new adoptive families with open , excited hearts and they are amazing. The  advocates that are unable to adopt at this time but try to help these children in small ways that move mountains.  It was through an advocate’s website, that I saw little Nick’s picture that got the ball rolling.  Those families that keep going back and adopting more children…spending thousands upon thousands of dollars to give these kids a family, wow, you amaze me.  The people that have started non-profit organizations to fundraise for these children that do not even have families yet. They do this to ease the financial burdens on the families that find a waiting child and want to adopt. These people are amazing.
            The guy that owns a small pizza place who let us have our first fundraising night! He is amazing, as well as all the people that came and ate pizza (including a fire crew from my old department). The family and friends who have hosted multiple garage sales for us to fundraise . They are amazing.  The people that do not even know us that have donated money or garage sale items or bought our “handmade” items to help our cause. Amaze-balls.  The people that have emailed me simply because they have been praying for a family for Nick. Your amazing prayers were heard.  The people that bought our t-shirts and the chick that designed a similar t-shirt that I saw on Pinterest and totally copied. The people that collected shoes for us. The ladies who crocheted scarves for us to sell. Your amazing.  Business owners who have donated.  The super awesome friends that have adopted before and have been so encouraging on our path.   The people that have listened to our story and were touched. Your heart is amazing. 
Some more amazing things.  Getting a random envelope in the mail with cash or a card from someone you haven’t seen since high school with a donation. Old friends I have only kept in contact with through facebook, donating.  Huge donations from family and friends of not only money but crafts, photography and art to sell.  ( caution run on sentence fragments ahead) Working super hard and along with family/friends making a bunch of crafts for a craft fair then setting up, staying all day  and selling like literally one thing…and then at the end of the night getting in a small argument with the person throwing the craft fair then the awesome people across from your booth take pity and help you quickly clean up your booth while a police officer has been assigned to make sure your leaving quick cause you broke the rules. Loosing it and crying and hugging before mentioned people. Amazingly, hilarious now.  The Ukrainian lady at one of our garage sales who left without paying ( I didn’t notice …typical) because she got so emotional when she found out we were adopting but then came back to pay and gave us an extra donation and her phone number if we need anything ! Amazing.

You guys the list goes on and on and on.  These are the amazing ones.  Yet, the most amazing one is the one who has orchestrated all of this.  I have to give all the glory to god on this you guys. Who else is capable of getting literally hundreds of people together for this one little boy.  Only him.  So thank you all you amazing folks out there and thank you Lord for letting me get to be the one who gets to bring this little boy home, who soooo many people have done amazing things to get him home.  I am soo blessed yet so not worthy.  Anyone can do this Lord but only through you and with all the amazing hearts you have put in this world.   So, no as you see, we are not amazing, you guys are.          

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